Friday, April 16, 2010

10 Days...

I'm the worst blogger ever, but that's okay, I'm keeping this for myself anyways! My internet has been out so I wasn't able to update, but the cable company came and fixed here I am, and it's perfect because it's Friday!! I started my "low carb" diet on Wednesday the 7th, and since then in 9 days, my weight has gone from 210, yeah I had gained again, to

so a loss of 9.4 lbs, I'm aware it's going to come off slower from now on, and I'm also aware that if I go crazy on carbs it's going to come right back!
It's been a hard 9 days, but not impossible, I think it's going to get easier to eat like this, and with adding in more cardio I hope I keep seeing results!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Low Carb...Gonna Be Hard!

So I am going to be starting a low carb diet. Not Atkins or anything crazy like that, but I need to start a low carb to get my blood sugar down. This is going to be difficult for me, I looooovvveee my carbs!! haha I have been reading about The South Beach Diet, however my Dr. thinks first I need to just try to cut way back on things such as potatoes, pasta, bread, and that sort of thing and of course sugar, but I can keep my fruit, which makes me happy, cause I love fruit!

I also went to the eye dr. today, omgosh my eyes have gotten a lot worse, which surprised him a lot since I'm 22 and at my age he said they really shouldn't be changing so much :( At least I have new contacts and new glasses ordered :)  Some good news is that I go back to Louisiana in 2 weeks!! Ahhhh so close! I'm so excited to have my own house again!

As for the diet, I'm going to start keeping a daily food diary on here, pictures and in writing so I can keep accountable for my calories and carbs. Wish my luck, it's not going to be easy!!